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Class of 2023
Phase Information

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Phase Title:
Phase 2
Teaching Hours:
Teaching and Learning MethodsTotal Scheduled Hours = 459.5
Lecture = 184.5
Tutorial = 14.5
Case-Based Instruction/Learning = 6.5
Independent Learning = 17
Discussion, Small Group (<12) = 11.3
Laboratory = 36.5
Demonstration = 16.5
Discussion, Large Group (>12) = 15.7
Simulation = 31
Workshop = 10
Research = 40
Clinical Experience - Ambulatory = 14
Reflection = 5
Preceptorship = 53
Problem Based Learning = 4

4 Related
6750 - The Patient: Acute or Episodic Health Problems
6760 - Clinical Skills II
6770 - Physician Competencies II
6780 - Community Engagement II
26 Related
4. Blood Flow and Oxygenation
5. Cough and Dyspnea
6. Abdominal Pain and Jaundice
7. Joint Pain
8. Headaches, Dizziness, and Vertigo
Assessing Health
Clinical Skills, Breast Health
Clinical Skills, Cardiovascular
Clinical Skills, Gastrointestinal
Clinical Skills, General
Clinical Skills, Interviewing Skills
Clinical Skills, Musculoskeletal
Clinical Skills, Neurology
Clinical Skills, Pediatrics
Clinical Skills, Point of Care Ultrasound
Clinical Skills, Respiratory
Community Engagement Placement
Ethics and Law 2
Interprofessional Education 2
Interventions at the Population & Individual Level
Leadership 2
Measuring Health Status 2
Patient Safety 2
Physician Wellness and Lifelong Learning 2
Professionalism 2
Research 2
216 Related
01. Introduction to Clinical Skills II
02. History Taking/Communication Clinical Skills; Cardiovascular
03. Cardiovascular Demo
04. Cardiovascular Sessions
05. History Taking/Communication Clinical Skills; Respiratory
06. Respiratory Demo
07. Respiratory Sessions
08. History Taking/Communication Clinical Skills; Gastrointestinal
09. Gastrointestinal Demo
10. Gastrointestinal Sessions
14. Musculoskeletal Demo
15. Musculoskeletal Sessions
16. Breast Health Sessions/Patient Practice/OSCE Review
17. Preparation for OSCE 1
18. Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Introduction
19. Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Sessions
20. Interviewing
Abdomen - Radiological Anatomy
Abdomen 1 (Lab): Anterolateral Abdominal Wall, Pertioneum and Viscera
Abdomen 1: Abdominal Wall and Disposition of Viscera
Abdomen 2 (Lab): Abdominal Viscera & Post Adbdominal Wall
Abdomen 2: Abdominal Viscera
Acute Dyspnea
Acute Hypoxia
Acute Presentations of Inflammatory Arthropathies
Acute Pulmonary Edema, Cardiogenic Shock
Analgesic, Antipyretic, Anti-inflammatory Drugs
Anatomy and Function of Spinal Cord and PNS
Anatomy and Function of the Brain 1
Applied Anatomy with Realtime Ultrasound
Approach to a Child with a Limp
Approach to Abnormal Liver Enzymes
Approach to Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors
Approach to Patient with Arthritis
Approach to Tuberculosis
Arts and Health in Medicine
Audition, Taste and Olfaction
Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology
Bone and Joint Infection
Calcium Homeostasis
Cardio/Renal Diuretics
Cardiovascular - Cardiac Drugs (CHF)
Cardiovascular Histology
Cardiovascular Response to Exercise
Cardiovascular System Organogenesis
Cartilage and Bone Histology
Case-based Learning: Energy Utilization
Chest X-ray
Chronic Diarrhea
Clinical Aspects of Congestive Heart Failure
Clinical Aspects of Lung Cancer
Clinical Correlations of the Abdomen
Close Friends and Other Special Patients
CNS Infections
Common Pediatric Orthopedic Problems
Congestive Heart Failure Tutorial
Control of Systemic Blood Flow
Critical Appraisal
Crystalline Rheumatic Problems
Cystic Fibrosis
Delivering Effective Presentations
Diagnostic Procedures - Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
Digestive System Histology
Digestive System Organogenesis
Disease Prevention
Dizziness, Syncope and Vertigo
Dysphagia, Motility Disorder
Ear, Nose and Throat Infections (URIs)
Edema Case-based Discussion
Endocarditis and Rheumatic Fever
Energy Utilization
Field Preparation and Reflection Exercise
Functional Abdominal Pain
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Infants and Children
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Dyspepsia
Gastrointestinal Cancer
Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening
Gastrointestinal Infections
Gastrointestinal Nutrition
Global Health and Non-communicable Disease
Gut Digestion and Absorption
H&N 1 & 2 (Lab): Osteology and Vasculature
H&N 1: Osteology and Vasculature
H&N 2: Vasculature and Cranial Nerves of Head and Neck
H&N 3&4 (Lab): Face, TMJ, Nose & Mouth
H&N 3: Face, TMJ, Scalp
H&N 4&5 (Lab): Larynx, Pharynx and Neck
H&N 4: Mouth, Nose, Larynx
H&N 5: Pharynx and Neck
Head and Neck Radiological Anatomy
Headaches in Children
Health and Illness Beliefs, Cognitions, and Behaviours
Health Promotion
Health Status; Indicators and Vital Statistics
Heart Murmurs (Peds)
HELM: Diversity, Culture and Ethics 1
HELM: Diversity, Culture and Ethics 2
HELM: Duty of Care
HELM: Legal Issues in the Medical Care of Minors
HELM: Negligence (Health Law)
Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia
Imaging of the GI and Renal Tract
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Tutorial
Injury Prevention (Population)
Integration of Metabolism
Interstitial Lung Disease
Interstitial Lung Disease, Pathology
Introduction to Anatomy
Introduction to Community Engagement II
Introduction to the Nervous System
Introduction to Ultrasound
IPE Skills Training Series Topic 2: Communication
Lab: Physiology of Blood Pressure
Lab: Physiology of Spirometry
Lab: Physiology of the Cardiac Cycle
Liver Disease
Liver PBL 1 and 2
Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas Pathology
Lower Gut Tutorial
Lung Cancer Pathology
Lung Volumes, Mechanisms of Breathing
Lymphatic System Histology
Metabolic Bone Disease
MSK - Radiological Anatomy
MSK 1 (Lab): Surface Anatomy of the Upper & Lower Limbs
MSK 1: Introduction to the MSK System
MSK 2 (Lab): Skeletal System & Articulations
MSK 2: Skeletal System & Articulations
MSK 3 (Lab): Upper Limb Musculature
MSK 3: Upper Limb Musculature
MSK 4 (Lab): Lower Limb Musculature
MSK 4: Lower Limb Musculature
Musculoskeletal System Pathology 1
Musculoskeletal System Pathology 2
Nasal Congestion
Neoplasia 2 and 3
Neoplasms of the Small and Large Bowel
Neuroanatomy Labs (Spinal Cord, Brain Stem, and Brain)
Non-neoplastic Conditions of the Bowels
Non-neoplastic Diseases, Liver
Nutrition and Health 1
Obstructive Lung Disease
Occupational Health and Safety
Osteoarthritis Patient Demo
Pathophysiology of Congestive Heart Failure
Patient Safety: Cognitive Error and Just Culture
Patient Safety: Introduction
Pediatric Asthma
Pediatric Rheumatology
Perianal Disease
Pericardial and Myocardial Disease
Phase 2 ILS 1
Phase 2 ILS 2
Phase 2 ILS 3
Phase 2 ILS 4
Phase 2 ILS 5
Phase 2 Orientation
Physiology and Anatomy of the Kidney, Body Fluid, Electrolyte and pH Balance
Physiology of Blood Flow
Physiology of Blood Loss
Physiology of Blood Pressure
Physiology of Control of Ventilation
Physiology of Gut Hormone Secretion
Physiology of Gut Motility
Physiology of O2 Transport to and CO2 Removal from Tissues
Physiology of the Cardiac Cycle
Physiology of the Smooth Muscle and Cardiac Muscle
Professionalism 1: Then and Now - Generation and Gender
Professionalism 2: Private Sphere and Theory - Relationship Metaphors in Medicine
Professionalism 3: Public Sphere and Practice
Professionalism: CMPA online module
Program Evaluation in Healthcare Settings
Radiology - Imaging of the Body
Renal, Essential Hypertension
Research Projects (Phase 2)
Respiratory - Autocoids and Asthma
Respiratory Diagnostics
Respiratory Disorders of the Pleura
Respiratory Histology
Respiratory Tract Infections
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient Demo
Rheumatological Approach to Back and Neck Pain
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy Demo
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections
Smoking Cessation
Soft Tissue Rheumatism
Strategic Planning in Health Care
Surgery - Biliary Tract
TCPS 2 Modules
The Community Visit
The Community Visit - Debrief
The Community Visit - Orientation
Thorax - Radiological Anatomy
Thorax 1 (Lab): Thorax Wall, Pleura, Lungs
Thorax 1: Pleura, Lungs and Trachea
Thorax 2 & 3 (Lab): Heart & Vasculature
Thorax 2: Heart & Mediastinum
Thorax 3: Vasculature
Upper GI Pathology
Upper Gut Tutorial
Valves Pathology
Valvular Heart Disease
Vision Laboratory
Work-related Health Issues