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Class of 2023
Session Information

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Session Title:
MSK - Radiological Anatomy
Teaching Hours:
Teaching and Learning MethodsTotal Scheduled Hours = 1
Lecture = 1
In this session you will review the anatomy of the MSK through radiological images.
Teaching and Learning Methods
Lecture 1 hour(s)

Learning Objectives
Blueprint ID Learning Objectives
10160 Recognize the common bony radiological anatomy of the upper limb by the use of various diagnostic imaging modalities with emphasis on plain radiography.
10161 Recognize the common bony radiological anatomy of the lower limb by the use of various diagnostic imaging modalities with emphasis on plain radiography.
10162 Recognize the common bony radiological anatomy of the spine by the use of various diagnostic imaging modalities with emphasis on plain radiography.

Linked Course Goal(s) to Session
Blueprint ID Course Goals
7416 Integrate basic and clinical sciences as they relate to common clinical encounters and patient symptoms
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
7417 Identify health care resources available for the investigation, treatment and management of the patient
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
me-3 me-4 me-5 me-6 cm-2
Linked Program Competencies To Course Goal(s)
me-6 Medical Expert
Apply knowledge of the clinical, socio-behavioural, and fundamental biomedical sciences relevant to a clinical problem.
me-3 Medical Expert
Formulate an initial plan of appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic procedures relevant to the patient’s presentation.
me-4 Medical Expert
Develop a differential diagnosis and key clinical problem list following assessment of a patient.
me-5 Medical Expert
Develop a management plan for key clinical problems following assessment of a patient.
cm-2 Communicator
Collect and synthesize accurate and relevant information, incorporating perspectives from patients and their families, colleagues and other health care professionals.

Linked MCC Medical Expert Objectives