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Class of 2023
Session Information

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Session Title:
H&N 2: Vasculature and Cranial Nerves of Head and Neck
Teaching Hours:
Teaching and Learning MethodsTotal Scheduled Hours = 1
Lecture = 1
Teaching and Learning Methods
Lecture 1 hour(s)

Learning Objectives
Blueprint ID Learning Objectives
6525 identify the extraocular muscles and outline the functional tests for eye movements
6566 identify the common carotid, external (its branches) and internal carotid arteries by examination of specimens and radiological images
6568 outline the spread of infection to the brain via the vertebral venous plexus and other veins and the consequences of the spread
6609 identify the venous sinuses of the head
6635 Identify as visible or palpable on a patient or specimen, the pulse points of the head and neck
6641 Identify as visible or palpable on a patient or specimen, the external jugular vein
7853 identify intracranial hemorrhages/hematomas: epidural, subdural, subarachnoid; outline the anatomical basis of each
7854 identify hematomas (epidural, subdural, subarachnoid) by examination of radiological images
7857 outline the anatomical basis of cavernous sinus thrombosis and its clinical significance
7861 identify the arteries (and their branches) and veins (and their tributaries) of the head and neck
8231 identify each cranial nerve and their pathways; outline the functional tests for each

Linked Course Goal(s) to Session
Blueprint ID Course Goals
7416 Integrate basic and clinical sciences as they relate to common clinical encounters and patient symptoms
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
Linked Program Competencies To Course Goal(s)
me-6 Medical Expert
Apply knowledge of the clinical, socio-behavioural, and fundamental biomedical sciences relevant to a clinical problem.

Linked MCC Medical Expert Objectives
Medical Expert