Course4 Related  |
5710 - The Healthy Person |
5720 - Clinical Skills I |
5730 - Physician Competencies I |
5740 - Community Engagement I |
Section14 Related  |
1. Introduction and Foundations |
2. Host Defence and Immune Mediated Disorders |
3. Infections and Fever |
Assessing and Measuring Health Status |
Clinical Skills, Communications 1 |
Concepts of Health & It’s Determinants |
Ethics/Legal 1 |
Interprofessional Education 1 |
Leadership 1 |
Patient Safety 1 |
Physician Visits |
Physician Wellness and Lifelong Learning 1 |
Professionalism 1 |
Research 1 |
Session172 Related  |
Academic Integrity |
Activation, Function, Interaction of T and B Lymphocytes |
Acute Inflammation |
Adverse Drug Reactions; Pharmacology |
Allergic Disorders |
Amino Acid Nitrogen Metabolism |
Amino Acids |
Antibiotics |
Antibody Diversification |
Antimicrobial Stewardship |
Antivirals |
Approach to the Febrile Traveller |
Autoimmunity, Autoimmune Diseases |
Beginning of Human Development |
Biostats 1: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics |
Biostats 2: Testing of Hypothesis and ANOVA |
Biostats 3: Simple Correlation and Regression |
Biostats 4: Analysis of Frequencies |
Blood and Connective Tissue Histology |
Breaking the Ice and Interview Skills |
Carbohydrate Digestion, Absorption & Glycolysis |
Caring for Patients with Vision and Hearing Impairments [Plenary] |
Case Interview: Alex Brown |
Case Interview: Eli Lundrigan |
Case Interview: Jamie Snow |
Case Interview: Mary Johnson |
Case Interview: Roger/Regina Casey |
Case Interview: Sam McNeil |
Case Interview: Terry Furlong |
Case: Communication with Adolescents |
Case: Communication with Parent of a child |
Case-based Learning: Compromised Urea Cycle |
Case-based Learning: Diagnostic Enzymology |
Case-based Learning: Glycogen Storage Defect |
Chromosomes and Cell Division |
Chronic and Granulomatous Inflammation |
Communication with Children and Adolescents [plenary] |
Complement and its Role in Acute Diseases |
Components of the Immune System |
Control Mechanisms and Regulation of the Immune Response |
Conversation with a Refugee |
Cytokines and their Role in Acute Diseases |
Determinants of Health |
DNA and Gene Expression |
DNA Viruses |
Doctor/Patient Relationship [plenary] |
Early Clinical Experience |
Educational Technologies |
Emerging Infectious Diseases Tutorial |
Emerging Viruses |
Empathy |
Enterobacteriaceae |
Enzymes - General Properties |
Enzymes - Mechanisms |
Epidemiology: Lectures and Tutorials |
Epithelia Histology |
Fatty Acid Metabolism |
Fatty Acids and Lipid Digestion |
Financial Services: Debt Management |
Financial Services: Insurance Planning |
Function and Structure of Antibodies |
General Microbiology |
Global Health |
Gluconeogenesis and Glycogen Metabolism |
Gram Positive Bacilli and Anaerobic Bacteria |
Gram Positive Cocci |
HELM: Applying Theory to Practice |
HELM: Confidentiality |
HELM: Consent |
HELM: Introduction to Ethics |
HELM: Introduction to Health Law |
HELM: Public Health Ethics |
HELM: Relevance and Purpose of Ethics |
HELM: Research Ethics |
Hematopoiesis |
HIV Epidemiology Treatment and Prevention |
HIV Opportunistic Infection |
How to Prepare an Ethics Application |
Hypersensitivity Type 1 - Bee Careful |
Hypersensitivity Types 2 and 3 |
Immune Cell Markers, Flow Cytometry and Blood Typing Lab |
Immunity to Infection and Inflammation |
Immunodeficiency Tutorial |
Immunogens and Antigens |
Immunology of HIV Infection Tutorial |
Indigenous Health I: An Introduction |
Indigenous Health II: Building Pathways to Understanding |
Infection Control |
Infection Prevention and Control |
Infectious Disease Epidemiology |
Injury and Cell Death |
Innate Immunity |
Integrated Learning Session 1: Introduction |
Integrated Learning Session 2: Host Defence and Immune Mediated Disorders |
Integrated Learning Session 3: Infections and Fever |
Integrating Communication Skills and Medical History taking |
Interview Skills |
Intimidation, Bullying and Harrassment |
Introduction to Clinical skills: Communications 1 |
Introduction to Community Engagement |
Introduction to EBP/Critical Appraisal |
Introduction to Instruments |
Introduction to Leadership Concepts |
Introduction to Metabolism |
Introduction to Physicianship |
Introduction to Professionalism and the CanMEDS |
Introduction to the MD Program Curriculum |
Introduction to the Research Curriculum |
IPE Skills Training Series Course Outline |
IPE Skills Training Series Topic 1: Team Functioning |
Krebs Cycle & Oxidative Phosphorylation |
Lifelong Learning in Medicine in the Digital Age |
Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age |
Literature Review |
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) |
MedCAREERS: Choosing the Right Career |
MedCAREERS: Physician Shadowing |
Mycobacterium |
Mycology |
Myositis |
Neoplasia |
Nitrogen Processing and the Urea Cycle |
Normal Laboratory Values and Their Interpretations |
Nucleotide |
Other Gram Negative Bacteria |
Outbreak Management |
Overview of Hypersensitivity Reactions |
Parasitology |
Patient Centered Clinical Method [plenary] |
Patient Visit |
Patient-oriented Research |
Pentose Phosphate Pathway |
Physician Wellness |
Physiology and Pathogenesis: Viral |
Primary Immunodeficiency |
Principles of Vaccination |
Professional Expectations of Medical Students |
Project Management for Physicians |
Protein Structure |
Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods |
Quality Improvement |
Quantitative Research Methods |
Reflective Practice: Engaging the Self |
Refugee Health [plenary] |
Regeneration and Repair |
Research Pillars 1 - 4 |
Research Projects |
Research Workshop |
Respectful Medical Education and Learning Environment |
Rheumatology - Vasculitis |
RNA Viruses |
Rural Medicine and Professionalism |
Self-directed Learning, Peer Assessment |
SLE and Scleroderma |
Small Cases: John Gulliver, Ira smith, Dawn Hawkins, Susan White |
Social Justice and Accountability |
Social Media |
Special Populations |
T Lymphocytes and T Cell Receptors |
Tetanus Immunity Tutorial |
Therapeutics: Considering Medication Characteristics |
Therapeutics: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics |
Tissue Examination |
Transgender [plenary] |
Travel Case Studies Tutorial |
Urea Cycle |
Vaccination Tutorial |
Vaccine Development |
Video Demonstration of Doctor/Patient Interview |
Visual Demonstration and Microbiology Review |
Writing a Research Question and Research Proposal |