Blueprint ID | Course Goals |
7046 | Discuss ethical and legal issues for decision making in clinical encounters and the health care system Linked Program Competencies To This Course Goal: ld-3 ha-3 pr-1 pr-2 pr-3 pr-4 |
ld-3 | Leader Describe the roles and responsibilities of physicians and governing bodies in the development and support of the health care system. |
ha-3 | Health Advocate Assess and respond to issues in the Canadian health care system and advocate for patients at all levels. |
pr-1 | Professional Demonstrate accountability to patients by applying best practices and adhering to high ethical standards. |
pr-2 | Professional Demonstrate altruism and accountability to society by recognizing and responding to societal expectations in health care. |
pr-3 | Professional Demonstrate integrity and accountability to the profession by adhering to standards and participating in physician-led regulation. |
pr-4 | Professional Demonstrate a commitment to physician health and well-being to foster optimal patient care. |