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Class of 2023
Section Information

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Section Title:
2. Host Defence and Immune Mediated Disorders
Teaching Hours:
Teaching and Learning MethodsTotal Scheduled Hours = 35
Independent Learning = 6.5
Lecture = 20
Tutorial = 6.5
Laboratory = 2

29 Related
Activation, Function, Interaction of T and B Lymphocytes
Acute Inflammation
Adverse Drug Reactions; Pharmacology
Allergic Disorders
Antibody Diversification
Autoimmunity, Autoimmune Diseases
Chronic and Granulomatous Inflammation
Complement and its Role in Acute Diseases
Components of the Immune System
Control Mechanisms and Regulation of the Immune Response
Cytokines and their Role in Acute Diseases
Function and Structure of Antibodies
Hypersensitivity Type 1 - Bee Careful
Hypersensitivity Types 2 and 3
Immune Cell Markers, Flow Cytometry and Blood Typing Lab
Immunodeficiency Tutorial
Immunogens and Antigens
Injury and Cell Death
Innate Immunity
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)
Overview of Hypersensitivity Reactions
Primary Immunodeficiency
Regeneration and Repair
Rheumatology - Vasculitis
SLE and Scleroderma
T Lymphocytes and T Cell Receptors
Tetanus Immunity Tutorial

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