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Class of 2023
Session Information

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Session Title:
Function and Structure of Antibodies
Teaching Hours:
Teaching and Learning MethodsTotal Scheduled Hours = 1
Lecture = 1
Teaching and Learning Methods
Lecture 1 hour(s)

Learning Objectives
Blueprint ID Learning Objectives
6446 describe the structure of an antibody and what determines its specificity and biological function
6447 demonstrate understanding of structure of immunoglobulins, immunoglobulin variants, biological properties of immunoglobulins, and primary response and secondary response.
7111 describe the differentiation of B lymphocytes in the bone marrow
7112 describe the effects of B cell encounter with antigen in the bone marrow
7113 describe the general process of antibody and B cell receptor (BCR) generation at the genetic level (V, D, J, C genes) and relationship to B cell development

Linked Course Goal(s) to Session
Blueprint ID Course Goals
7416 Integrate basic and clinical sciences as they relate to common clinical encounters and patient symptoms
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
Linked Program Competencies To Course Goal(s)
me-6 Medical Expert
Apply knowledge of the clinical, socio-behavioural, and fundamental biomedical sciences relevant to a clinical problem.

Linked MCC Medical Expert Objectives