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An Application to the Graduate Studies Committee of Memorial University of Newfoundland for Permission to Offer Masters and Doctoral Degrees in the Faculty of Medicine, 1969 (this link will open in a new window)

The Faculty of Medicine Graduate Studies Committee submitted their application to Memorial University’s Graduate Studies Committee with the request to offer Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in the Faculty of Medicine. The following were on the committee: Dr. W. H. Marshall (Chairman), Dr. A. R. Cox (Professor of Medicine), Dr. C. D. Green (Professor of Anesthesia), Dean I. E. Rusted (Ex Officio), and Associate Dean K. B. Roberts (Ex Officio). The report contains seven chapters: the first outlines the historical background of the Faculty of Medicine; the second is the application to offer Masters and Doctoral Degrees; the third proposes wording for the University Calendar; the fourth outlines current research projects; the fifth identifies the facilities; the sixth lists grants that have been awarded and those pending; and the last section provides the curricula and bibliographies of the Medical Faculty.

Permission to reproduce the report, “An Application to the Graduate Studies Committee of Memorial University of Newfoundland for Permission to Offer Masters and Doctoral Degrees in the Faculty of Medicine,” for this exhibit was granted by the following source:
Material reprinted with the express permission of: The Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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