7710 - The Patient III
Class of 2023
Section Information
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Section Title:
12. Pregnancy, Delivery, and Newborns
Teaching Hours:
Teaching and Learning Methods
Total Scheduled Hours = 50
= 7
= 34
Case-Based Instruction/Learning
= 2
= 5
Independent Learning
= 2
37 Related
Abnormal Periods
Adolescent Pregnancy
Antepartum Care and Perinatal Mental Health
Antepartum Fetal Surveillance, Multiple Pregnancy and Fetal Growth Restriction
Breast Histology
Case Study: Newborn Screening: Biochemical Testing
Diabetes in Pregnancy
Fetal Development
GU 1: Urinary System and Pelvis
GU 2: Reproductive System
GU Lab 1: Urinary System and Pelvis
GU Lab 2: Reproductive System
Hirsuitism, Virulization and Polycystic Ovarian Disease
HPO Axis; Physiology of Menstrual Cycle
Hypertension in Pregnancy
Imaging in Obstetrics
Infections in Pregnancy
Infertility and Amenorrhea
Lab: Placenta and Fetal Membranes
Labour, Intra-partum and Post-partum Care
Male Reproductive Physiology
Male Reproductive Physiology, Hypogonadism
Neonatal 2: Two Common Problems
Neonatal 3: Medical Issues
Neonate: Transitional Care Issues in the Newborn
Physiology of Breastfeeding Tutorial
Physiology of Pregnancy
Placenta and Fetal Membranes
Pregnancy: Bleeding < 20 Weeks
Pregnancy: Bleeding > 20 Weeks
Pre-term Labour, Premature Rupture of Membranes
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Reproductive Histology
Termination of Pregnancy
Total: 0
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