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Class of 2017
Session Information

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Session Title:
IMED: Cardiology
Learning Objectives
Blueprint ID Learning Objectives
1138 Interpret critical clinical and laboratory findings which were key in the processes of exclusion, differentiation, and diagnosis.
11001 Demonstrate appropriate attitudes of empathy, ethics, responsibility and cultural awareness in keeping with the role of a physician.
11002 Develop strategies to identify reversible causes of acute and chronic heart failure
11003 Establish effective evidence based treatments including dietary, pharmaceutical and interventional for congestive heart failure
11004 Establish an appropriate long-term management plan for congestive heart failure
11005 Determine how treatment should be modified by co-morbidities for congestive heart failure
11006 Differentiate between symptom relief and mortality reduction as a goal of therapy for congestive heart failure
11007 Describe the etiology, pathology, and pathophysiology of the major valvular lesions.
11008 Identify the relevant clinical history, physical findings, and appropriate investigations for valvular heart disease.
11009 Discuss the management, both medical and surgical, of the valve diseases.
11010 Identify the etiology of chest pain in the acute setting with reference to (a) key features of history, (b) cardiac markers diagnostic, (c) ECG changes
11011 Triage acute chest pain
11012 Apply evidence-based therapies for coronary syndromes
11013 Identify factors important in determining balance of risk/benefit of non-invasive and invasive treatment strategies for coronary syndromes
11014 Develop competence to evaluate chest pain with ST elevation within the context of (a) history, (b) ECG changes
11015 Apply thrombolytic therapy decisions in the context of (a) absolute/relative contraindications, (b) role of timing to benefit of treatment, (c) alternate therapy of primary PCI
11016 Identify and apply risk reducing adjunctive therapies for acutely, and in the longer term
11017 Identify features of chest pain that suggest stable symptoms
11018 Identify the role of history and stress testing in risk stratification of individuals with stable angina
11019 Identify risk/benefit balance for invasive therapy with respect to factors including renal function/age/COPD/CHF/arrhythmia/DM
11020 Identify differences in choices based on goals of symptom relief versus mortality benefits
11021 Review secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death and associated evidence for treatment strategies
11022 Describe current Canadian Cardiovascular Society guidelines for ICD implantation in this population
11023 Identify common causes of atrial fibrillation
11024 Identify the key investigators for new onset atrial fibrillation.
11025 Apply management strategies with respect to: (a) Antithrombotic treatment strategies and embolic risk assessment. (b) Safety issues with acute cardioversion. (c) Factors leading to rhythm control versus rate control. (d) Successful rate control.
11026 Identify causal conditions of chest pain or discomfort: (a) central: cardiovascular (ischemic and non-ischemic), pulmonary/mediastinal (pulmonary embolus, tracheitis, and mediastinal malignancy), other (gastrointestinal and neuro-psychiatric), (b) peripheral: chest wall pain, pulmonary
11027 Outline modifications of risk factors.
11028 Determine site, description, provoking factors, and radiation of chest pain.
11029 Differentiate between the following: (a) cardiac pain and other types of visceral pain, (b) visceral chest discomfort and superficial chest discomfort, (c) myocardial infarction from angina
11030 Obtain vital signs and examine heart and lungs; palpate chest wall and examine abdomen.
11031 Conduct an effective initial plan of management for a patient with chest pain/discomfort.
11032 Identify the causal conditions of dyspnea: (a) cardiac causes (myocardial dysfunction, valvular heart disease, deconditioning, pericardial disease, increased cardiac output), (b) pulmonary causes (respiratory control, ventilatory pump, gas exchanger), (c) other (anemia, anxiety, carbon monoxide)
11033 Differentiate causes of cardiac pulmonary edema.
11034 Differentiate causes of pulmonary disease.
11035 Diagnose acute, life-threatening dyspnea in the pediatric or adult patient.
11036 Conduct an effective management plan for a patient with dyspnea.
11037 Outline the causal conditions of coronary artery disease: (a) central (cardiovascular, pulmonary/mediastinal, other), (b) peripheral (chest wall pain, pulmonary)
11038 Differentiate between visceral chest discomfort and superficial chest discomfort.
11039 Identify patients with myocardial infarction and differentiate from other potentially lethal causes of chest pain.
11040 Conduct an effective initial plan of management for a patient with coronary artery disease.
11041 Explain how congestive heart failure is manifested as a pleural effusion.
11042 Discuss the relationship between acute/chronic dyspnea and congestive heart failure.
11043 Identify chronic cough as a symptom of congestive heart failure.
11044 Conduct an examination of the thorax and demonstrate how to detect a pleural effusion.
11045 Develop a management plan for a patient with congestive heart failure.
11046 Describe the causal conditions leading to thromboembolism: (a) inherited thrombophilia (Factor V Leiden mutation, antithrombin deficiency; defects in protein S, C, antithrombin; other rare disorders), (b) acquired disorders (malignancy; surgery, trauma; pregnancy, oral contraceptives, hormone replacement, tamoxifen; immobilization, congestive heart failure, heparin therapy; hyperhomocysteinemia; hyperviscosity; other)
11047 Identify the causal conditions of pulmonary embolism: (a) venous insuffiency (post-phlebitic syndrome or deep venous thrombosis), (b) trauma (muscle strain, tear, twisting injury to extremity, hematoma), (c) lymphedema (primary or secondary), (d) Baker cyst, (e) infection/inflammation (cellulitis/soft tissue/bone; chronic dermatitis/cutaneous mucinosis), (f) infiltrative dermopathy
11048 Elicit history of risk factors for deep vein thrombosis.
11049 Determine the severity of the thrombotic condition and the presence of any acquired causes of hypercoagulability.
11050 Select patients requiring screening for hereditary thrombophilia.
11051 Examine extremities for superficial and deep vein thrombosis, skin necrosis, livedo reticularis. (a) Examine chest, heart, abdomen for ascites and hepatomegaly, rectal exam, pelvic in women.
11052 Conduct a management plan for a patient with local edema or a tendency to venous clotting.

Linked Course Goal(s) to Session
Blueprint ID Course Goals
10387 EPA 1 (AAMC): Gather a history and perform a physical examination
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
me-1 me-2 me-6 cm-1 cm-2 ha-1 pr-1
10388 EPA 2 (AAMC): Prioritize a differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
me-4 me-6 cm-1 cm-2 cm-6 co-2 ha-1 ha-2 sc-1 sc-2 sc-3 pr-1
10389 EPA 3 (AAMC): Recommend and interpret common diagnostic and screening tests
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
me-3 me-6 cm-3 cm-4 ld-2 ha-1 ha-2 ha-3 sc-2 pr-1
10390 EPA 4 (AAMC): Enter and discuss orders and prescriptions
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
me-5 me-6 cm-3 cm-4 cm-5 cm-6 co-2 co-3 ld-2 ld-3 ha-3 sc-2 pr-1
10391 EPA 5 (AAMC): Document a clinical encounter in the patient record
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
me-1 me-2 me-3 me-4 me-5 me-6 cm-5 cm-6 co-1 co-3 ld-3 pr-1
10392 EPA 6 (AAMC): Provide an oral presentation of a clinical encounter
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
me-1 me-2 me-3 me-4 me-5 me-6 cm-3 cm-5 cm-6 co-1 ld-3 sc-3 pr-1
10393 EPA 7 (AAMC): Form clinical questions and retrieve evidence to advance patient care
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
me-6 cm-3 cm-5 cm-6 ld-2 ld-3 sc-1 sc-2 sc-3 pr-1
10394 EPA 8 (AAMC): Give or receive a patient handover to transition care responsibility
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
me-6 cm-3 cm-5 co-2 co-3 ld-3 pr-1
10396 EPA 10 (AAMC): Recognize a patient requiring urgent or emergent care and initiate evaluation
Linked Program Competencies
To This Course Goal:
me-1 me-2 me-3 me-4 me-5 me-6 cm-1 cm-2 cm-3 cm-4 cm-5 cm-6 co-1 co-2 co-3 ld-1 ld-2 ld-3 ha-3 sc-1 sc-2 pr-1
Linked Program Competencies To Course Goal(s)
me-1 Medical Expert
Perform a complete and accurate patient-centred history appropriate to the patient’s presentation.
me-2 Medical Expert
Perform a complete and accurate physical examination appropriate to the patient’s presentation.
me-6 Medical Expert
Apply knowledge of the clinical, socio-behavioural, and fundamental biomedical sciences relevant to a clinical problem.
cm-1 Communicator
Develop and maintain appropriate ethical and therapeutic relationships, rapport and trust with patients and their families.
cm-2 Communicator
Collect and synthesize accurate and relevant information, incorporating perspectives from patients and their families, colleagues and other health care professionals.
ha-1 Health Advocate
Identify the important determinants of health, risk factors for illness, interaction between the population and their physical, biological and social environment, and personal attributes.
pr-1 Professional
Demonstrate accountability to patients by applying best practices and adhering to high ethical standards.
me-4 Medical Expert
Develop a differential diagnosis and key clinical problem list following assessment of a patient.
cm-6 Communicator
Discuss effective strategies for communicating with third parties other than health care professionals.
co-2 Collaborator
Demonstrate effective consultation with other health care professionals to provide care for individuals, communities, and populations.
ha-2 Health Advocate
Identify public policies and trends that affect health locally, nationally, and globally, and barriers to access for populations, including persons with disabilities, the underserved and the marginalized.
sc-1 Scholar
Develop a plan for personal continued education.
sc-2 Scholar
Apply the principles of research, critical appraisal and evidence-based medicine to learning and practice.
sc-3 Scholar
Demonstrate facilitation of learning for health care professionals, patients and society as part of the professional responsibility.
me-3 Medical Expert
Formulate an initial plan of appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic procedures relevant to the patient’s presentation.
cm-3 Communicator
Discuss relevant health care information and management plans with patients and their families.
cm-4 Communicator
Develop a shared plan of care with patients, their families, and other health care professionals.
ld-2 Leader
Apply evidence and management processes to effectively allocate health care resources.
ha-3 Health Advocate
Assess and respond to issues in the Canadian health care system and advocate for patients at all levels.
me-5 Medical Expert
Develop a management plan for key clinical problems following assessment of a patient.
cm-5 Communicator
Demonstrate effective oral and written communication of information associated with a medical encounter.
co-3 Collaborator
Demonstrate respect for health care team members without bias (e.g., bias related to gender, ethnicity, cultural background or health care role).
ld-3 Leader
Describe the roles and responsibilities of physicians and governing bodies in the development and support of the health care system.
co-1 Collaborator
Demonstrate effective collaboration skills within the health care system.
ld-1 Leader
Identify strategies to effectively manage practice and career.

Linked MCC Medical Expert Objectives