Blueprint ID | Course Goals |
7431 | Demonstrate situational awareness and effective team communication in a critical situation Linked Program Competencies To This Course Goal: co-1 co-2 co-3 |
7432 | Demonstrate how to obtain informed consent for medical interventions utilizing standardized patients Linked Program Competencies To This Course Goal: cm-1 cm-2 cm-3 cm-4 cm-5 pr-1 |
7446 | Demonstrate effective and safe handover of patient care in a simulated environment Linked Program Competencies To This Course Goal: cm-5 co-1 co-2 co-3 |
7456 | Demonstrate procedures associated with personal and patient safety Linked Program Competencies To This Course Goal: me-1 me-2 me-3 me-6 |
7492 | Describe the aspects of professional and ethical behavior expected in the workplace. Linked Program Competencies To This Course Goal: pr-1 pr-2 pr-3 pr-4 |
12004 | Perform common procedural skills in a simulated environment Linked Program Competencies To This Course Goal: me-1 me-2 me-3 me-4 me-5 me-6 |
12005 | Recognize critical clinical indicators requiring immediate action in a simulated environment Linked Program Competencies To This Course Goal: me-1 me-2 me-3 me-4 me-5 me-6 |
co-1 | Collaborator Demonstrate effective collaboration skills within the health care system. |
co-2 | Collaborator Demonstrate effective consultation with other health care professionals to provide care for individuals, communities, and populations. |
co-3 | Collaborator Demonstrate respect for health care team members without bias (e.g., bias related to gender, ethnicity, cultural background or health care role). |
cm-1 | Communicator Develop and maintain appropriate ethical and therapeutic relationships, rapport and trust with patients and their families. |
cm-2 | Communicator Collect and synthesize accurate and relevant information, incorporating perspectives from patients and their families, colleagues and other health care professionals. |
cm-3 | Communicator Discuss relevant health care information and management plans with patients and their families. |
cm-4 | Communicator Develop a shared plan of care with patients, their families, and other health care professionals. |
cm-5 | Communicator Demonstrate effective oral and written communication of information associated with a medical encounter. |
pr-1 | Professional Demonstrate accountability to patients by applying best practices and adhering to high ethical standards. |
me-1 | Medical Expert Perform a complete and accurate patient-centred history appropriate to the patient’s presentation. |
me-2 | Medical Expert Perform a complete and accurate physical examination appropriate to the patient’s presentation. |
me-3 | Medical Expert Formulate an initial plan of appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic procedures relevant to the patient’s presentation. |
me-6 | Medical Expert Apply knowledge of the clinical, socio-behavioural, and fundamental biomedical sciences relevant to a clinical problem. |
pr-2 | Professional Demonstrate altruism and accountability to society by recognizing and responding to societal expectations in health care. |
pr-3 | Professional Demonstrate integrity and accountability to the profession by adhering to standards and participating in physician-led regulation. |
pr-4 | Professional Demonstrate a commitment to physician health and well-being to foster optimal patient care. |
me-4 | Medical Expert Develop a differential diagnosis and key clinical problem list following assessment of a patient. |
me-5 | Medical Expert Develop a management plan for key clinical problems following assessment of a patient. |