Phase4 Related  |
Phase 1 |
Phase 2 |
Phase 3 |
Phase 4 |
Course18 Related  |
5710 - The Healthy Person |
5720 - Clinical Skills I |
5730 - Physician Competencies I |
5740 - Community Engagement I |
6750 - The Patient: Acute or Episodic Health Problems |
6760 - Clinical Skills II |
6770 - Physician Competencies II |
6780 - Community Engagement II |
7710 - The Patient III |
7720 - Clinical Skills III |
7730 - Physician Competencies III |
7740 - Phase 4 Preparation |
7750 - Community Engagement III |
8710 - Core Experiences |
8720 - Clinical Skills IV |
8730 - Electives |
8740 - Advanced Practice Integration |
8750 - Physician Competencies IV |
Section87 Related  |
09. Weakness and Abnormal Movements |
1. Introduction and Foundations |
10. Cognitive Impairment and Mood Disturbances |
11. Hormone and Blood Disorders |
12. Pregnancy, Delivery, and Newborns |
13. Genetic Disorders, Growth, and Development |
14. Pelvic Pain and Masses |
15. Syncope and Chest Pain |
16. Renal Failure and Diabetes |
17. Trauma and Emergencies |
18. Palliative Care |
19. Lymphadenopathy, Splenomegaly, and Cancer |
2. Host Defence and Immune Mediated Disorders |
20. Care of the Elderly |
3. Infections and Fever |
4. Blood Flow and Oxygenation |
5. Cough and Dyspnea |
6. Abdominal Pain and Jaundice |
7. Joint Pain |
8. Headaches, Dizziness, and Vertigo |
Administration of Effective Health Programs |
Anesthesia Core Rotation |
Assessing and Measuring Health Status |
Assessing Health |
Clinical Skills IV Sessions |
Clinical Skills, Breast Health |
Clinical Skills, Cardiovascular |
Clinical Skills, Communications 1 |
Clinical Skills, Gastrointestinal |
Clinical Skills, General |
Clinical Skills, Head, Neck, and Neurology |
Clinical Skills, Internal Medicine |
Clinical Skills, Interviewing Skills |
Clinical Skills, Musculoskeletal |
Clinical Skills, Neurology |
Clinical Skills, Obstetrics & Gynecology |
Clinical Skills, Pediatrics |
Clinical Skills, Pediatrics |
Clinical Skills, Point of Care Ultrasound |
Clinical Skills, Psychiatry |
Clinical Skills, Respiratory |
Clinical Skills, Special Topics |
Clinical Skills, Surgery |
Community Engagement Placement |
Community Engagement Placement (Phase 3) |
Concepts of Health & It’s Determinants |
Emergency Medicine Core Rotation |
Environmental Health |
Ethics and Law 2 |
Ethics and Law 3 |
Ethics/Legal 1 |
Face-to-Face Sessions |
Healthy Sexuality |
Indigenous Health |
Internal Medicine Core Rotation |
Interprofessional Education 1 |
Interprofessional Education 2 |
Interprofessional Education 3 |
Interventions at the Population & Individual Level |
Leadership |
Leadership 2 |
Leadership 1 |
Leadership 3 |
Measuring Health Status 2 |
Nutrition and Health |
Obstetrics / Gynecology Core Rotation |
Online Sessions |
Patient Safety 1 |
Patient Safety 2 |
Patient Safety 3 |
Pediatrics Core Rotation |
Physician Visits |
Physician Wellness and Lifelong Learning 1 |
Physician Wellness and Lifelong Learning 2 |
Physician Wellness and Lifelong Learning 3 |
Professionalism 1 |
Professionalism 2 |
Professionalism 3 |
Professionalism 4 |
Progression to Postgraduate Program |
Psychiatry Core Rotation |
Research |
Research 1 |
Research 2 |
Research 3 |
Rural Family Core Rotation |
Surgery Core Rotation |
Session1062 Related  |
01. Introduction to Clinical Skills II |
02. History Taking/Communication Clinical Skills; Cardiovascular |
03. Cardiovascular Demo |
04. Cardiovascular Sessions |
05. History Taking/Communication Clinical Skills; Respiratory |
06. Respiratory Demo |
07. Respiratory Sessions |
08. History Taking/Communication Clinical Skills; Gastrointestinal |
09. Gastrointestinal Demo |
10. Gastrointestinal Sessions |
11. History Taking/Communication Clinical Skills; Head and Neck |
14. Musculoskeletal Demo |
15. Musculoskeletal Sessions |
16. Breast Health Sessions/Patient Practice/OSCE Review |
17. Preparation for OSCE 1 |
18. Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Introduction |
19. Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Sessions |
20. Interviewing |
6 Month Well Baby Visit Using the Rourke Baby Record |
Abdomen - Radiological Anatomy |
Abdomen 1 (Lab): Anterolateral Abdominal Wall, Pertioneum and Viscera |
Abdomen 1: Abdominal Wall and Disposition of Viscera |
Abdomen 2 (Lab): Abdominal Viscera & Post Adbdominal Wall |
Abdomen 2: Abdominal Viscera |
Abdominal Pain Tutorial |
Abnormal ECG Independent Learning Modules |
Abnormal ECG Tutorial - Arrhythmias |
Abnormal ECG Tutorial - Ischemic Heart Disease |
Abnormal Periods |
Academic Integrity |
Action Potential |
Activation, Function, Interaction of T and B Lymphocytes |
Acute Back Pain and Spinal Column Injury |
Acute Coronary Artery Disease |
Acute Dyspnea |
Acute Hypoxia |
Acute Inflammation |
Acute Kidney Injury |
Acute MSK Injury, Radiology |
Acute Presentations of Inflammatory Arthropathies |
Acute Pulmonary Edema, Cardiogenic Shock |
Acute Sports Injuries |
Acyanotic Heart Disease |
Adolescent Eating Disorders |
Adolescent Pregnancy |
Adrenal Disease |
Adrenal Pathology |
Adrenal Physiology |
Adverse Drug Reactions; Pharmacology |
Adverse Events |
Allergic Disorders |
Amino Acid Nitrogen Metabolism |
Amino Acid Synthesis and Other Roles |
Amino Acids |
An Approach to Oral Diseases and Pruritus |
Analgesic, Antipyretic, Anti-inflammatory Drugs |
Anatomy and Function of Spinal Cord and PNS |
Anatomy and Function of the Brain 1 |
ANES: Integrated Anesthesia Rotation |
Anesthesia Modules |
Antepartum Care and Perinatal Mental Health |
Antepartum Fetal Surveillance, Multiple Pregnancy and Fetal Growth Restriction |
Anterior Pituitary Physiology, Hypothalamus |
Antianginal Drugs |
Antibiotics |
Antibody Diversification |
Anticoagulation |
Antihypertensive Drugs |
Antimicrobial Stewardship |
Antivirals |
Anxiety and Psychosis Tutorial |
Anxiety Disorders |
Applied Anatomy with Realtime Ultrasound |
Approach to a Child with a Limp |
Approach to Abnormal Liver Enzymes |
Approach to Acid Base |
Approach to Acute Hypoxia |
Approach to Anemia |
Approach to Bleeding Disorders |
Approach to Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors |
Approach to Chronic Kidney Disease |
Approach to Lymphadenopathy and Splenomegaly |
Approach to Patient with Arthritis |
Approach to the Febrile Child |
Approach to the Febrile Traveller |
Approach to Thrombocytopenia |
Approach to Trauma and MSK Injury |
Approach to Tuberculosis |
Arrhythmias and Pacemakers - Diagnostic Procedures |
Arts and Health in Medicine |
Assessment of Kidney Function |
Atrial and Ventricular Arrhythmias |
Atypical Modes of Inheritance |
Audition, Taste and Olfaction |
Autoimmunity, Autoimmune Diseases |
Basic Cardiac Electrophysiology |
Beginning of Human Development |
Biological Membranes, Electrolyte Transport, H2O Movement |
Biomedical: Data Collection and Analysis |
Biostats 1: Descriptive and Inferential Statistics |
Biostats 2: Testing of Hypothesis and ANOVA |
Biostats 3: Simple Correlation and Regression |
Biostats 4: Analysis of Frequencies |
Black Bag - Debrief |
Black Bag - Orientation |
Blood and Connective Tissue Histology |
Blood Glucose Regulation |
Bone and Joint Infection |
Breaking the Ice and Interview Skills |
Breast Disease |
Breast Disease Pathology |
Breast Histology |
Breastfeeding |
Burns |
Calcium Homeostasis |
Cancer, Genetics, DNA Integrity and Repair |
Carbohydrate Digestion, Absorption & Glycolysis |
Cardiac Electrophysiology - Basic ECG |
Cardiac Resuscitation Workshop |
Cardio/Renal Diuretics |
Cardiology Potpourri: Chest Pain, Syncope, Arrhythmia |
Cardiovascular - Cardiac Drugs (CHF) |
Cardiovascular Histology |
Cardiovascular Response to Exercise |
Cardiovascular System Organogenesis |
Caring for Patients with Vision and Hearing Impairments [Plenary] |
Cartilage and Bone Histology |
Case Interview: Alex Brown |
Case Interview: Eli Lundrigan |
Case Interview: Jamie Snow |
Case Interview: Mary Johnson |
Case Interview: Roger/Regina Casey |
Case Interview: Sam McNeil |
Case Interview: Terry Furlong |
Case Studies: Management and Leadership |
Case Study: Newborn Screening: Biochemical Testing |
Case: Communication with Adolescents |
Case: Communication with Parent of a child |
Case-based Learning: Compromised Urea Cycle |
Case-based Learning: Diagnostic Enzymology |
Case-based Learning: Energy Utilization |
Case-based Learning: Glycogen Storage Defect |
Cell Membrane Lipids |
Cerebral Palsy, Neuromuscular Disorders |
Cerebrovascular Anatomy |
Cervix and HPV, Related Lower Genital Tract Disease |
Chest Pain, Pericardial Disease Tutorial |
Chest X-ray |
Child Abuse |
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry |
Childhood Cancers |
Cholesterol Synthesis and Utilization |
Chromosomes and Cell Division |
Chronic and Granulomatous Inflammation |
Chronic Coronary Artery Disease |
Chronic Diarrhea |
Cirrhosis |
Clinical Approach to Sodium Disorders |
Clinical Aspects of Congestive Heart Failure |
Clinical Aspects of Lung Cancer |
Clinical Correlations of the Abdomen |
Clinical Epidemiology: Data Collection and Analysis |
Close Friends and Other Special Patients |
CNS Infections |
Cognitive Impairment |
Collaborative Mental Health Care IPE Module |
Coma |
Common Hand Problems |
Common Medical Complications Post-SCI |
Common Pediatric Orthopedic Problems |
Common Respiratory Complaints |
Communication with Children and Adolescents [plenary] |
Complement and its Role in Acute Diseases |
Complications of Fractures |
Components of the Immune System |
Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment |
Congenital Anomalies of the GI Tract |
Congenital Bleeding Disorders with Pediatrics |
Congenital Hemolytic Anemia (Pediatric) |
Congestive Heart Failure Tutorial |
Contraception |
Control Mechanisms and Regulation of the Immune Response |
Control of Systemic Blood Flow |
Conversation with a Refugee |
Core Concepts in Pain Management |
Cough |
Crisis Intervention |
Critical Appraisal |
Critical Appraisal of Health Informatics |
Critical Clinical Situations |
Crystalline Rheumatic Problems |
Cyanotic Heart Disease |
Cystic Fibrosis |
Cytogenetics |
Cytogenetics - Tutorial |
Cytokines and their Role in Acute Diseases |
Delirium |
Delivering Effective Presentations |
Delivering Effective Presentations |
Demyelinating Diseases |
Determinants of Health |
Diabetes in Pregnancy |
Diabetes Tutorial |
Diabetes Workshop |
Diagnostic Procedures - Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) |
Differential Diagnosis and Problem List |
Digestive System Histology |
Digestive System Organogenesis |
Discipline Orientation - Academic and Clinical Requirements |
Disease Prevention |
Dizziness, Syncope and Vertigo |
DNA and Gene Expression |
DNA Viruses |
Doctor/Patient Relationship [plenary] |
Drugs and the Kidney |
Dysmenorrhea, PMS, Endometriosis and Adenomyosis |
Dysphagia, Motility Disorder |
Ear, Nose and Throat Infections (URIs) |
Early Clinical Experience |
Eastern Health Orientation |
Eating Disorders |
ECG Independent Learning Module |
Edema Case-based Discussion |
Educational Technologies |
eHealth: Emerging Trends, Critical Appraisal of New Tech, Social Media and the Professional You |
Elder Abuse |
EMERG: (PCE) Abdominal Pain |
EMERG: (PCE) Altered Level of Consciousness |
EMERG: (PCE) Cardiac Arrest |
EMERG: (PCE) Chest Pain |
EMERG: (PCE) Gastrointestinal Bleeding |
EMERG: (PCE) Headache |
EMERG: (PCE) Poisoning |
EMERG: (PCE) Respiratory Distress |
EMERG: (PCE) Shock |
EMERG: (PCE) Trauma |
EMERG: Abdominal Pain |
EMERG: Altered Level of Consciousness |
EMERG: Cardiac Arrest |
EMERG: Chest Pain |
EMERG: Documentation |
EMERG: Gastrointestinal Bleeding |
EMERG: Headache |
EMERG: Interpersonal and Communication Skills |
EMERG: Medical Knowledge |
EMERG: Patient Care |
EMERG: Poisoning |
EMERG: Practice-based Learning and Improvement |
EMERG: Professionalism |
EMERG: Respiratory Distress |
EMERG: Shock |
EMERG: Specific Disease Entities |
EMERG: Systems-based Practice |
EMERG: Trauma |
Emergency Medicine Modules |
Emergency Response Preparedness |
Emerging Infectious Diseases Tutorial |
Emerging Viruses |
Empathy |
Endocarditis and Rheumatic Fever |
Endocrine Control Systems |
Endometrial and Uterine Cancer |
Energy Utilization |
Enterobacteriaceae |
Enuresis |
Environmental Health |
Enzymes - General Properties |
Enzymes - Mechanisms |
Epidemiology: Lectures and Tutorials |
Epithelia Histology |
Falls and Gait Disturbance |
Fatty Acid Metabolism |
Fatty Acids and Lipid Digestion |
Fetal Development |
Field Preparation and Reflection Exercise |
Financial Counselling |
Financial Services: Debt Management |
Financial Services: Insurance Planning |
Fluid Compartments |
Fractures of the Lower Extremity (Thigh - Foot) |
Fractures of the Upper Extremity (Shoulder - Wrist) |
Function and Structure of Antibodies |
Functional Abdominal Pain |
Future of Genetics |
Gait and Co-ordination |
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Infants and Children |
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, Dyspepsia |
Gastrointestinal Cancer |
Gastrointestinal Cancer Screening |
Gastrointestinal Infections |
Gastrointestinal Nutrition |
General Microbiology |
Genetic Screening, Counselling and Ethical Issues |
Genetic Variations in the Human Genome |
Geriatric Psychiatry |
Global Development and Delay |
Global Health |
Global Health and Non-communicable Disease |
Glomerular Disease 1 |
Glomerular Disease 2 |
Gluconeogenesis and Glycogen Metabolism |
Gram Positive Bacilli and Anaerobic Bacteria |
Gram Positive Cocci |
Growth |
Growth Hormone |
Growth in Childhood |
GTN, Malignant and Pre-malignant Diseases of the Vulva |
GU 1: Urinary System and Pelvis |
GU 2: Reproductive System |
GU Lab 1: Urinary System and Pelvis |
GU Lab 2: Reproductive System |
Gut Digestion and Absorption |
H&N 1 & 2 (Lab): Osteology and Vasculature |
H&N 1: Osteology and Vasculature |
H&N 2: Vasculature and Cranial Nerves of Head and Neck |
H&N 3&4 (Lab): Face, TMJ, Nose & Mouth |
H&N 3: Face, TMJ, Scalp |
H&N 4&5 (Lab): Larynx, Pharynx and Neck |
H&N 4: Mouth, Nose, Larynx |
H&N 5: Pharynx and Neck |
Head and Neck Demo |
Head and Neck Radiological Anatomy |
Head and Neck Sessions |
Head CT (Computed Tomography) |
Headache |
Headaches in Children |
Health and Illness Beliefs, Cognitions, and Behaviours |
Health and Wellness - Respectful Workplace Policy |
Health Illness Beliefs |
Health Inequities and Building Advocacy and Allyship |
Health Promotion |
Health Research Ethics |
Health Status; Indicators and Vital Statistics |
Health System Funding |
Healthy Aging |
Healthy Sexualities |
Heart Murmurs (Peds) |
HELM: Applying Theory to Practice |
HELM: Confidentiality |
HELM: Consent |
HELM: Diversity, Culture and Ethics 1 |
HELM: Diversity, Culture and Ethics 2 |
HELM: Duty of Care |
HELM: Ethical Issues in Genetics |
HELM: Ethical Issues in Geriatrics |
HELM: Ethical Issues in Pediatrics |
HELM: Ethical Issues in Psychiatry |
HELM: Ethics and End of Life Decision Making |
HELM: Ethics End of Life |
HELM: Ethics of Infectious Disease |
HELM: Health Law in Medicine |
HELM: Introduction to Ethics |
HELM: Introduction to Health Law |
HELM: Legal Issues in the Medical Care of Minors |
HELM: Negligence (Health Law) |
HELM: Public Health Ethics |
HELM: Relevance and Purpose of Ethics |
HELM: Reproductive Ethics 1 |
HELM: Reproductive Ethics 2 |
HELM: Research Ethics |
HELM: Resource Allocation |
Hematologic Neoplasia |
Hematology in Pediatrics |
Hematology Transplant |
Hematopoiesis |
Heme Metabolism |
Hemolytic Anemia |
Hirsuitism, Virulization and Polycystic Ovarian Disease |
History Taking and Physical Examination Sessions |
HIV Care IPE Module |
HIV Epidemiology Treatment and Prevention |
HIV Opportunistic Infection |
How to Prepare an Ethics Application |
HPO Axis; Physiology of Menstrual Cycle |
Human Resource Management |
Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia |
Hypersensitivity Type 1 - Bee Careful |
Hypersensitivity Types 2 and 3 |
Hypertension |
Hypertension in Pregnancy |
Hypoglycemia |
Hypothalamus and Homeostasis |
Imaging in Obstetrics |
Imaging of the GI and Renal Tract |
IMED: (PCE) Abdominal Pain |
IMED: (PCE) Acid-base Disturbance |
IMED: (PCE) Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding |
IMED: (PCE) Acute Renal Failure |
IMED: (PCE) Altered Mental Status |
IMED: (PCE) Chest Pain |
IMED: (PCE) Common Cancers |
IMED: (PCE) Congestive Heart Failure |
IMED: (PCE) COPD/Asthma |
IMED: (PCE) Coronary Artery Disease |
IMED: (PCE) Cough |
IMED: (PCE) Diabetes Mellitus |
IMED: (PCE) Diarrhea |
IMED: (PCE) Dyspnea |
IMED: (PCE) Fever |
IMED: (PCE) Fluid/Electrolyte Abnormalities |
IMED: (PCE) Hypertension |
IMED: (PCE) Joint Pain |
IMED: (PCE) Stroke |
IMED: (PCE) Syncope/Loss of Consciousness |
IMED: (PCE) Thromboembolic Disease |
IMED: Altered Mental State |
IMED: Cardiology |
IMED: Endocrinology |
IMED: Fever |
IMED: Gastrointestinal |
IMED: General |
IMED: Geriatrics |
IMED: Hematology |
IMED: Infectious Diseases |
IMED: Nephrology |
IMED: Neurology |
IMED: Oncology |
IMED: Respiratory |
IMED: Rheumatology |
Immune Cell Markers, Flow Cytometry and Blood Typing Lab |
Immunity to Infection and Inflammation |
Immunodeficiency Tutorial |
Immunogens and Antigens |
Immunology of HIV Infection Tutorial |
Indigenous Health I: An Introduction |
Indigenous Health II: Building Pathways to Understanding |
Indigenous Health III: Moving Towards Inclusive and Safe Patient Care: Indigenous Medicines and Healing Practices |
Indigenous Health IV: Providing Safe Care for Indigenous Patients: Ethical and Legal Implications for Future Physicians |
Infarction (Pathology) |
Infection Control |
Infection Prevention and Control |
Infections in Pregnancy |
Infectious Disease Epidemiology |
Infertility and Amenorrhea |
Infertility, Erectile Dysfunction, Interstitial Cystitis |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Tutorial |
Information – Ethical Behavior and Scholarly Publication |
Injury and Cell Death |
Injury Prevention (Population) |
Innate Immunity |
Insulin Therapy |
Integrated Learning Session 1: Introduction |
Integrated Learning Session 2: Host Defence and Immune Mediated Disorders |
Integrated Learning Session 3: Infections and Fever |
Integrating Communication Skills and Medical History taking |
Integration of Genetic Concepts 1 |
Integration of Genetic Concepts 2 |
Integration of Metabolism |
Interdisciplinary Care: Miller Centre Session |
Interstitial Lung Disease |
Interstitial Lung Disease, Pathology |
Interview Skills |
Intimidation, Bullying and Harrassment |
Introduction to Abnormal ECGs |
Introduction to Adult Cancer |
Introduction to Anatomy |
Introduction to Clinical skills: Communications 1 |
Introduction to Cognitive Impairment |
Introduction to Community Engagement |
Introduction to Community Engagement II |
Introduction to EBP/Critical Appraisal |
Introduction to Electrocardiogram (ECG) |
Introduction to Genetic Diseases of the Heart |
Introduction to Genetics, Importance of Family History |
Introduction to Instruments |
Introduction to Lab Tutor |
Introduction to Leadership Concepts |
Introduction to Medical Dermatology |
Introduction to Metabolism |
Introduction to Palliative Care Concepts |
Introduction to Physicianship |
Introduction to Professionalism and the CanMEDS |
Introduction to Psychiatry |
Introduction to the Endocrine System |
Introduction to the HEALTHe NL Electronic Health Record System |
Introduction to the MD Program Curriculum |
Introduction to the Nervous System |
Introduction to the Research Curriculum |
Introduction to Ultrasound |
Introduction to Venous Thromboembolism |
IPE Skills Training Series Course Outline |
IPE Skills Training Series Topic 1: Team Functioning |
IPE Skills Training Series Topic 2: Communication |
IPE Skills Training Series Topic 3: Conflict Management |
IPE Skills Training Series Topic 4: Addressing Team Failures |
Iron Overload and Chronic Anemia |
Ischemic Heart Disease (Pathology) |
Jaundice |
Krebs Cycle & Oxidative Phosphorylation |
Lab: Physiology of Blood Pressure |
Lab: Physiology of Spirometry |
Lab: Physiology of the Cardiac Cycle |
Lab: Placenta and Fetal Membranes |
Labour, Intra-partum and Post-partum Care |
Language |
Learning Problems |
Lecture: OSCE Review; All systems |
Lecture: Pediatric Clinical Skills |
Lifelong Learning in Medicine in the Digital Age |
Lifelong Learning in the Digital Age |
Lifestyle Modification |
Limbic System |
Lipid Disorders |
Lipid Disorders Tutorial |
Lipid Physiology |
Literature Review |
Liver Disease |
Liver PBL 1 and 2 |
Liver, Gallbladder and Pancreas Pathology |
Living with Genetic Disease |
Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding |
Lower Gut Tutorial |
Lung Cancer Pathology |
Lung Volumes, Mechanisms of Breathing |
Lymphatic System Histology |
Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) |
Malabsorption |
Maladaptive Behaviours in Childhood |
Male Reproductive Physiology |
Male Reproductive Physiology, Hypogonadism |
Malformations of the CNS, Delay and Regression |
Management and Screening of Diabetes Complications |
Mandatory Procedures |
MedCAREERS: CaRMS Presentations |
MedCAREERS: Choosing the Right Career |
MedCAREERS: Physician Shadowing |
Media Relations |
MEDITECH: Patient Care Inquiry |
Memory |
Mendelian Genetics |
Menopausal Syndrome (Climacteric) |
Mental Health |
Metabolic Bone Disease |
Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity |
Metabolism of Xenobiotics |
Microcirculation |
Molecular Diagnosis, Genetic Testing |
Mood Disorders |
Mood Disorders Tutorial |
Movement Disorders |
MSK - Radiological Anatomy |
MSK 1 (Lab): Surface Anatomy of the Upper & Lower Limbs |
MSK 1: Introduction to the MSK System |
MSK 2 (Lab): Skeletal System & Articulations |
MSK 2: Skeletal System & Articulations |
MSK 3 (Lab): Upper Limb Musculature |
MSK 3: Upper Limb Musculature |
MSK 4 (Lab): Lower Limb Musculature |
MSK 4: Lower Limb Musculature |
Multifactorial Inheritance |
Multiple Sclerosis |
Musculoskeletal System Pathology 1 |
Musculoskeletal System Pathology 2 |
Mycobacterium |
Mycology |
Myocardial Infarction Tutorial |
Myositis |
Nasal Congestion |
Neonatal 2: Two Common Problems |
Neonatal 3: Medical Issues |
Neonate: Transitional Care Issues in the Newborn |
Neoplasia |
Neoplasia 2 and 3 |
Neoplasms of the Central Nervous System |
Neoplasms of the Small and Large Bowel |
Nephrolithiasis |
Nephrology - Pediatrics |
Nervous System Histology |
Neuroanatomy Labs (Spinal Cord, Brain Stem, and Brain) |
Neurodegenerative Diseases |
Neurology Sessions |
Newborn |
Nitrogen Processing and the Urea Cycle |
Non-neoplastic Conditions of the Bowels |
Non-neoplastic Diseases, Liver |
Normal aging: Journey through a hundred years of living |
Normal Growth and Development |
Normal Hemostasis |
Normal Laboratory Values and Their Interpretations |
Normal Red Cell Structure and Function |
Nucleotide |
Nutrition and Health 1 |
Nutrition and Health 2 |
Nutritional Anemia |
Obesity in Childhood |
Obsessive Disorders |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Abnormal Uterine Bleeding |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Diagnosis of Labour |
OBSGYN: (PCE) First Trimester Bleeding |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Gestational Diabetes |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Incontinence |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Infertility |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Pelvic Mass |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Pelvic Pain |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Pre-natal Care |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Pre-term Labour |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Suspected Ectopic Pregnancy |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Third Trimester Bleeding |
OBSGYN: (PCE) Vaginal Discharge/ Vulvar Diseases |
OBSGYN: Abnormal Pap Smear and Cervical Cancer Screening |
OBSGYN: Abnormal Uterine Bleeding |
OBSGYN: Amenorrhea |
OBSGYN: Antenatal Care |
OBSGYN: Antepartum Fetal Assessment |
OBSGYN: Antepartum Hemorrhage |
OBSGYN: Contraception |
OBSGYN: Diabetes in Pregnancy |
OBSGYN: First Trimester Complications |
OBSGYN: Gestational Trophoblastic Disease |
OBSGYN: Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy |
OBSGYN: Infertility |
OBSGYN: Intrapartum Care |
OBSGYN: Intrauterine Growth Restriction |
OBSGYN: Menopause |
OBSGYN: Multiple Gestations |
OBSGYN: Obstetrical Emergencies |
OBSGYN: Pelvic Mass |
OBSGYN: Pelvic Pain |
OBSGYN: Postpartum Care |
OBSGYN: Preterm Labour and Premature Rupture of Membranes |
OBSGYN: Prolapse and Urinary Incontinence |
OBSGYN: Skills |
OBSGYN: Surgical Care and Post-Operative Complications |
OBSGYN: Vaginal Discharge and STIs |
OBSGYN: Vulvar Lesions and Dermatoses |
Obstetrics and Gynecology Sessions |
Obstructive Lung Disease |
Occupational Health and Safety |
Organ Donation |
Origins of Canada’s Health System, Federal Responsibility |
Osteoarthritis |
Osteoarthritis Patient Demo |
Other Gram Negative Bacteria |
Outbreak Management |
Ovarian Masses and Neoplasms |
Overview of Hypersensitivity Reactions |
Palliative Care in Different Populations |
Pancreatic Hormones |
Pancreatitis |
Parasitology |
Pathology and Laboratory Diagnosis of Lymphoma |
Pathology of Head Injuries |
Pathology of Lymphoma |
Pathology of the Cervix, Vulva and Vagina |
Pathology of the Ovary |
Pathology of the Uterus and Fallopian Tube |
Pathology of Thrombosis and Embolism |
Pathophysiologic Effects of Chronic Kidney Disease |
Pathophysiological Basis of Neurological Signs and Symptoms |
Pathophysiology of Congestive Heart Failure |
Patient and Provider Resources |
Patient Centered Clinical Method [plenary] |
Patient Safety: Adverse Events |
Patient Safety: Cognitive Error and Just Culture |
Patient Safety: Communication and Information Sharing |
Patient Safety: Informed Decision-making, High-risk Situations |
Patient Safety: Introduction |
Patient Safety: The Health System |
Patient Visit |
Patient-oriented Research |
Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology |
Pediatric Asthma |
Pediatric Cancer Pathology |
Pediatric Dermatologic Conditions |
Pediatric Eye Disorders |
Pediatric Palliative Care |
Pediatric Rheumatology |
Pediatric Sessions |
Pediatric Surgery |
Pediatric Urology |
Pediatrics: Neonates session |
Pedigree Construction and Analysis Tutorial |
PEDS: (PCE) Abnormalities Related to Growth |
PEDS: (PCE) Chronic Medical Problem |
PEDS: (PCE) Fever/Sepsis |
PEDS: (PCE) Lower Respiratory Tract Illness |
PEDS: (PCE) Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea or Abdominal Pain |
PEDS: (PCE) Parental Concerns or Abnormalities Related to Behaviour |
PEDS: (PCE) Parental Concerns or Abnormalities Related to Development |
PEDS: (PCE) Parental Concerns or Abnormalities Related to Nutrition |
PEDS: (PCE) Unique Condition: Neonatal Jaundice |
PEDS: (PCE) Upper Respiratory Tract Illness |
PEDS: Abdominal Pain |
PEDS: Acute Abdominal Pain |
PEDS: Acutely Ill Child |
PEDS: Adolescence Anorexia Nervosa |
PEDS: Adolescence Bulimia Nervosa |
PEDS: Allergy |
PEDS: Attention Deficit Disorder |
PEDS: Cardiology |
PEDS: Child Abuse |
PEDS: Communicable Disease |
PEDS: Constipation |
PEDS: Contraception |
PEDS: Crying Child |
PEDS: Development |
PEDS: Diabetes Mellitus |
PEDS: Diarrhea |
PEDS: Emergency |
PEDS: Endocrine |
PEDS: Failure to Thrive |
PEDS: Fatigue |
PEDS: Fever |
PEDS: Hypertension in Childhood |
PEDS: Hypoglycemia |
PEDS: Immunization |
PEDS: Neonates |
PEDS: Neurology |
PEDS: Obesity |
PEDS: OM Hearing Loss |
PEDS: Prematurity |
PEDS: Respiratory |
PEDS: Rheumatology |
PEDS: Shock |
PEDS: Smoking |
PEDS: Speech/Language Delay |
PEDS: Upper Respiratory Tract Disorder |
PEDS: Urinary Incontinence |
PEDS: Vomiting |
Pelvic and Acetabula Trauma, Hip Fractures |
Pentose Phosphate Pathway |
Perianal Disease |
Pericardial and Myocardial Disease |
Peripheral Motor Sensory Defects |
Personality Disorders |
Pharmacogenomics |
Pharmacotherapy, Polypharmacy |
Phase 2 ILS 1 |
Phase 2 ILS 2 |
Phase 2 ILS 3 |
Phase 2 ILS 4 |
Phase 2 ILS 5 |
Phase 2 Orientation |
Phase 3 Integrated Learning Session 1 |
Phase 3 Integrated Learning Session 2 |
Phase 3 Integrated Learning Session 3 |
Phase 3 Integrated Learning Session 4 |
Phase 3 Integrated Learning Session 5 |
Phase 3 Integrated Learning Session 6 |
Phase 3 Introduction |
Phase 4 Educational Technologies |
Phase 4 Preparation Course Introduction |
Physician and the Public Health System |
Physician Payment and Professional Regulation |
Physician Supply and Economic Evaluations |
Physician Wellness |
Physiology and Anatomy of the Kidney, Body Fluid, Electrolyte and pH Balance |
Physiology and Pathogenesis: Viral |
Physiology of Blood Flow |
Physiology of Blood Loss |
Physiology of Blood Pressure |
Physiology of Breastfeeding Tutorial |
Physiology of Control of Ventilation |
Physiology of Gut Hormone Secretion |
Physiology of Gut Motility |
Physiology of O2 Transport to and CO2 Removal from Tissues |
Physiology of Pregnancy |
Physiology of the Autonomic Nervous System |
Physiology of the Cardiac Cycle |
Physiology of the Skeletal Muscle |
Physiology of the Smooth Muscle and Cardiac Muscle |
Pituitary Disease |
Pituitary Pathology |
Pituitary, Adrenal Tutorial |
Pituitary, Head and Neck Histology |
Placenta and Fetal Membranes |
PNS 1: Organization of the Peripheral Nervous System |
PNS 2: Brachial Plexus and Clinical Correlations |
PNS 3: Lumbar/Sacral Plexus and Clinical Correlations |
PNS Lab 1,2 & 3: Upper and Lower Limb Innervation |
Point of Care Testing |
Poisoning |
Population Genetics |
Population Health: Data Collection and Analysis |
Posterior Pituitary and Disorders of Water Balance |
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) |
Potassium |
Practical Skills Workshop |
Pregnancy: Bleeding < 20 Weeks |
Pregnancy: Bleeding > 20 Weeks |
Preparation For Ward Work |
Prescribing Course |
Pre-term Labour, Premature Rupture of Membranes |
Primary Immunodeficiency |
Principles of (Neuro) Rehabilitation |
Principles of Vaccination |
Professional Expectations of Medical Students |
Professionalism 1: Then and Now - Generation and Gender |
Professionalism 2: Private Sphere and Theory - Relationship Metaphors in Medicine |
Professionalism 3: Public Sphere and Practice |
Professionalism and Integrity: Aspects of Practice |
Professionalism and Integrity: Aspects of Research and Publication |
Professionalism in Practice |
Professionalism: CMPA online module |
Program Evaluation in Healthcare Settings |
Progression to Post-grad |
Project Management for Physicians |
Project Presentation |
Prostate, Kidney and Bladder Cancer |
Protein Structure |
Proteinuria and Hematuria |
PSYC: (PCE) Acute Psychosis |
PSYC: (PCE) Anxiety-Related Disorder |
PSYC: (PCE) Assessment of Suicidal Risk |
PSYC: (PCE) Chronic Mental Illness - Schizophrenia/Bipolar |
PSYC: (PCE) Dementia |
PSYC: (PCE) Eating Disorders |
PSYC: (PCE) Emergency Psychiatric Assessment |
PSYC: (PCE) Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) or Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) |
PSYC: (PCE) Mood Disorder - Depression / Bipolar |
PSYC: (PCE) Personality Disorder |
PSYC: (PCE) Sleep Disturbance |
PSYC: (PCE) Substance Abuse / Dependence |
PSYC: Consultation Liaison Psychiatry |
PSYC: Eating Disorders |
PSYC: Forensic Psychiatry |
PSYC: Management of Difficult Clinical Cases |
PSYC: Mood Disorders |
PSYC: Psychiatric Emergencies |
PSYC: Psychopharmacology of Antipsychotic Medications |
PSYC: Review & Treatment of Anxiety Disorders |
PSYC: Review & Treatment of Mental Disorders in Late Life |
PSYC: Review & Treatment of Psychotic Disorders |
PSYC: Review & Treatment of Substance Abuse |
PSYC: Review of Psychopharmacology |
PSYC: Topics in Child Psychiatry |
Psychiatric Emergencies |
Psychiatry Demo: Approach to the Psychiatric Patient |
Psychiatry Sessions |
Psychopharmacology |
Psychotherapy |
Psychotic Disorders |
Puberty |
Puberty - Delayed and Precocious |
PVD, Aortic Aneurysm-Dissection, Stroke, Carotid Disease |
Qualitative and Mixed Research Methods |
Qualitative Research: Data Collection and Analysis |
Quality Improvement |
Quantitative Research Methods |
Radiological Urology |
Radiology - Imaging of the Body |
Radiology Boot Camp |
Recognition of Critically Ill Child |
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss |
Reflective Practice: Engaging the Self |
Refugee Health [plenary] |
Regeneration and Repair |
Renal PBL Tutorial |
Renal, Essential Hypertension |
Reproductive Histology |
Research Pillars 1 - 4 |
Research Presentations (Phase 4) |
Research Projects |
Research Projects (Phase 2) |
Research Projects (Phase 3) |
Research Projects (Phase 4) |
Research Workshop |
Respectful Medical Education and Learning Environment |
Respiratory - Autocoids and Asthma |
Respiratory Diagnostics |
Respiratory Disorders of the Pleura |
Respiratory Histology |
Respiratory Tract Infections |
Response to the Opioid Crisis: Public Health Perspective |
Resting Membrane Potential |
RFM: (PCE) Abdominal Pain |
RFM: (PCE) Anxiety and Depression |
RFM: (PCE) CAD/Chest Pain |
RFM: (PCE) Contraception |
RFM: (PCE) Diabetes |
RFM: (PCE) Dizziness/Vertigo |
RFM: (PCE) Fatigue |
RFM: (PCE) Fever |
RFM: (PCE) Headache |
RFM: (PCE) Hypertension |
RFM: (PCE) Low Back Pain |
RFM: (PCE) Prenatal Care |
RFM: (PCE) Preventive Care |
RFM: (PCE) Respiratory Symptoms |
RFM: (PCE) Skin Disorders |
RFM: (PCE) Well Baby Care |
RFM: Abdominal Pain |
RFM: Anxiety or Depression |
RFM: CAD/Chest Pain/Ischemic |
RFM: Contraception |
RFM: Diabetes |
RFM: Dizziness/Vertigo |
RFM: Fatigue |
RFM: Fever |
RFM: Headache |
RFM: Hypertension |
RFM: Low Back Pain |
RFM: Prenatal Care |
RFM: Preventive Care |
RFM: Respiratory Symptoms |
RFM: Skin Disorders |
RFM: Well Baby Care |
Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient Demo |
Rheumatological Approach to Back and Neck Pain |
Rheumatology - Vasculitis |
Rheumatology Sessions |
RNA Viruses |
Rural Medicine and Professionalism |
Seizures |
Seizures (Pediatric) |
Seizures Tutorial |
Self-directed Learning, Peer Assessment |
Sepsis |
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy |
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy Demo |
Sexual Disorders |
Sexually Transmitted Infections |
Shock |
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections |
SLE and Scleroderma |
Sleep and Sleep Disorders |
Sleep Disordered Breathing |
Small Cases: John Gulliver, Ira smith, Dawn Hawkins, Susan White |
Smoking Cessation |
Social Justice and Accountability |
Social Media |
Soft Tissue Rheumatism |
Somatoform Disorders |
Special Populations |
Speech and Communication (School/Learning Problems) |
Steroid Therapy |
Stone Disease, Trauma and Scrotal Disease |
Strabismus, Ocular Motility and Amblyopia |
Strategic Planning in Health Care |
Streptococci |
Stroke - Clinical Syndromes |
Stroke - Diagnosis and Management |
Stroke Tutorial |
Structures and Organization of the Healthcare System |
Substance Use |
SURG: (PCE) Abdominal Wall and Groin Mass |
SURG: (PCE) Ankle or Wrist Fracture Assessment |
SURG: (PCE) Back Pain Assessment |
SURG: (PCE) Biliary Tract Disease |
SURG: (PCE) Breast Lump |
SURG: (PCE) Gastrointestinal Tract Malignancy |
SURG: (PCE) Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Assessment |
SURG: (PCE) Hip Fracture Assessment |
SURG: (PCE) Neurovascular Exam of the Upper and Lower Extremities |
SURG: (PCE) Open Fracture Assessment and Treatment |
SURG: (PCE) Peri-operative Assessment |
SURG: (PCE) Peripheral Vascular Disease |
SURG: (PCE) Pre-operative Assessment |
SURG: (PCE) Skin/Soft Tissue Disorder |
SURG: (PCE) Trauma |
SURG: (PCE) Undifferentiated Abdominal Pain |
SURG: Abdominal Wall and Groin Mass |
SURG: Ankle or Wrist Fracture Assessment |
SURG: Back Pain Assessment |
SURG: Biliary Tract Disease |
SURG: Breast Lump |
SURG: Gastrointestinal Tract Malignancy |
SURG: Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Assessment |
SURG: Hip Fracture Assessment |
SURG: Neurovascular Exam of the Upper and Lower Extremities |
SURG: Open Fracture Assessment and Treatment |
SURG: Peri-operative Assessment |
SURG: Peri-operative Assessment - Acid Base Balance |
SURG: Peri-operative Assessment - Fluids and Electrolytes |
SURG: Peri-operative Assessment - Non-Healing Wounds |
SURG: Peri-operative Assessment - Post-operative Complications |
SURG: Peripheral Vascular Disease |
SURG: Pre-operative Assessment |
SURG: Pre-operative Assessment - Acid Base Balance |
SURG: Pre-operative Assessment - Fluids and Electrolytes |
SURG: Soft/Skin Tissue Disorder |
SURG: Trauma |
SURG: Undifferentiated Abdominal Pain |
Surgery - Biliary Tract |
Surgery Clinical Skills: Introduction to Trauma (Simulation) |
Surgery: General |
Surgery: Orthopedic |
Surgical Causes of Acute Abdominal Pain |
Suturing Workshop |
Symptom Management 1 (Pain) |
Symptom Management 2 (Other Symptoms) |
Symptom Management 2 Tutorial (Other Symptoms) |
Symptom Management 3 (Conclusion) |
Synaptic Transmission |
Syncope, Pacemakers Tutorial |
T Lymphocytes and T Cell Receptors |
TCPS 2 Modules |
Termination of Pregnancy |
Tetanus Immunity Tutorial |
The Black Bag |
The Community Visit |
The Community Visit - Debrief |
The Community Visit - Orientation |
The Dying Patient, Last Days and Hours |
Therapeutics: Considering Medication Characteristics |
Therapeutics: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics |
Thorax - Radiological Anatomy |
Thorax 1 (Lab): Thorax Wall, Pleura, Lungs |
Thorax 1: Pleura, Lungs and Trachea |
Thorax 2 & 3 (Lab): Heart & Vasculature |
Thorax 2: Heart & Mediastinum |
Thorax 3: Vasculature |
Thrombosis |
Thyroid Disease |
Thyroid Disease Tutorial |
Thyroid Gland and Parathyroid Gland Pathology |
Thyroid Physiology |
Tissue Examination |
Toxicology and Adverse Drug Events |
Transfusion Medicine |
Transgender [plenary] |
Transgender Health |
Transition of Care |
Trauma Workshop |
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) |
Travel Case Studies Tutorial |
Tumor Immunology |
Type 1 Diabetes |
Type 2 Diabetes |
Ultrasound in Gynecology |
Understanding Blood Grouping |
Upper GI Bleeding |
Upper GI Bleeding Tutorial |
Upper GI Pathology |
Upper Gut Tutorial |
Urea Cycle |
Urinary Histology |
Urinary Incontinence |
Urinary Tract Infection |
Urogenital Prolapse |
Urogenital Radiological Anatomy |
Urogenital System Organogenesis |
Urologic Cancer |
Urology Teaching Associate (UTA) Session |
Vaccination Tutorial |
Vaccine Development |
Valves Pathology |
Valvular Heart Disease |
Vascular Disease and Hypertension Pathology |
Vascular Disease of the Central Nervous System Pathology |
Vascular Disease Prevention |
Video Demonstration of Doctor/Patient Interview |
Vision |
Vision Laboratory |
Visual Demonstration and Microbiology Review |
Voiding Dysfunction, BPH, Penile Disease |
Water and Sodium |
Weakness |
Weight Bias and Obesity |
Work-related Health Issues |
Workshop: Days in Violence |
Workshop: Death and Dying |
Workshop: Giving Bad News |
Writing a Research Question and Research Proposal |
Writing for Publication |