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Please note: We do not accept VISA Debit at this time.
PGME Verification of Training Fees
Memorial University of Newfoundland charges an administrative fee for verifications of training confirmed by the Postgraduate Medical Education office. Please note, all verification requests from third parties (e.g. credentialing boards) must include a signed authorization of release from the physician requiring verification of residency training. Additional information is available on the PGME website.
- Category 1: Replacement Certificate
- Category 2: Short Form - training dates and program
No charge if training completed within 12 months
- Category 3: Long Form - training dates, program and performance
- Category 4: Verification Letters
- Category 5: Urgent requests
Urgent requests not accepted during peak period of March 1 – June 30
Restrictions apply, please see the PGME website for details.