Office of Professional and Educational Development

Ovarian Cancer Exposed Symposium

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Topics and Speakers

Registration - Atrium
Welcome Remarks - Dr. Margaret Steele, Dean of Medicine
What is Ovarian Cancer?
Presenter: Dr. Patti Power MD, FRCSC
Sharing our Experiences
Presenters: Mrs. Bonnie Morgan Mrs. Bette Winsor
Genetics and Ovarian Cancer
Presenter: Ms. Andree MacMillan MS, (C)CGC
Nutrition Break
Genetics of Ovarian Cancer: A Newfoundland Perspective
Presenter: Dr. Jane Green PhD, CFMG
Ovarian Cancer Screening
Presenter: Dr. Vickie Martin MD, FRCSC, BScN(Hons)
Launching of the Fund and Introduction of the Team
Presenter: Mrs. Alana Walsh-Giovannini
Lunch - Atrium
When Cancer Returns – Progression, relapse and recurrence
Presenter: Mrs. Kathy Fitzgerald RN
Cancer Lingo – Demystifying the Language of Cancer
Presenter: Dr. Vickie Martin MD, FRCSC, BScN(Hons)
Short Break
The Secret to Healthy Eating after Cancer
Presenter: Ms. Adrianna Smallwood BSc, BSN, RD
The Role of the Pharmacist
Presenter: Ms. Nicole Macdonald
Mindful Stress Management
Presenter: Ms. Florence Strang B.A., B.Ed., M.Ed
Stretch Break
Intimacy after Ovarian Cancer: Now What!
Presenter: Ms. Nena Sandoval M.H.S., ACS
Advances in Research and Hope for the Future
Presenter: Dr. Lesa Marie Dawson MD, FRCSC
Evaluation, Thank You to Presenters and Attendees and Closing Remarks
Presenter: Ms. Janice Ryan

Planning Committee

Ms. Jennifer Armstrong
Ms. Margie Coombes
Dr. Lesa Marie Dawson
Ms. Bonnie Fox
Ms. Pamela Hoddinott
Ms. Kit Howley
Ms. Barbi King
Ms. Cecilia Mesh
Mrs. Virginia Middleton
Mrs. Bonnie Morgan
Mr. Charlie Morgan
Ms. Lynda Morgan
Ms. Janice Ryan
Mrs. Alana Walsh-Giovannini

The Office of Professional and Educational Development (OPED), Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, is fully accredited by the Committee on Accreditation of Continuing Medical Education (CACME), a subcommittee of the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS). This standard allows OPED to assign credits for educational activities based on the criteria established by The College of Family Physicians of Canada, and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.