This web portal offers Continuing Nursing Education Online Courses ("CNE Courses") providing users with access to information and educational resources ("Information"). This Information is offered as a service to users of this site and is provided for informational purposes only, on an as-is basis. The Information is intended for nurses and other healthcare providers for specific educational needs, and as a supplement to their accumulated education, experience and judgment. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice.While care has been taken in the preparation of this Information, Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Health and Community Services (DOHCS), partners, licensors and content providers associated with CNE Courses ("Associates") do not warrant the completeness, timeliness or accuracy of the Information contained in this site. DOHCS and its Associates expressly disclaim any and all warranties expressed or implied including without limitation any warranties of fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the Information. DOHCS and its Associates assume no responsibility or liability arising from any error in or omission from the Information available in any of its CNE courses.
In no event shall DOHCS, or any of its Associates be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, any claims, costs, obligations, personal injury or wrongful death arising from or in connection with the use of this site, or from the use or misuse of, or inability to use the Information contained in, through or accessed by this site, or as a result of errors or omissions in the content, print, media or files, even if advised of the possibility thereof. DOHCS and its Associates reserve the right, in their sole discretion without any obligation, to make at any time improvements to, or correct any errors or omissions in any part of the CNE Courses or the Information, without notice.
Reliance upon any Information contained in this site shall be at your Sole Risk.
Also note that this portal may contain links to other internet sites. Links to other sites are provided as a convenience to users. DOHCS and its Associates do not endorse the content of these sites nor do they accept any responsibility for the content, accuracy, reliability or currency of information found on these sites.
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Sign upThis project, including all the modules, was made possible through a financial contribution by Health Canada under the Internationally Educated Health Professionals Initiative. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.

These modules constitute continuous learning activities. Following completion of each module you will select the amount of continuous learning time (one clock hour = 1 continuous learning hour) spent completing the module, to a maximum of 2 hours. You will then be able to print a certificate of completion, indicating your selected continuous learning hours for your continuous learning portfolio.